Literature Homework Help

Literature Homework Help. Step 1 Consider the corpus of Greek myth. Choose a myth that has a particular meaning for you. This will be the topic of your paper. Step 2 Use the course materials and do some further research on you

Step 1 Consider the corpus of Greek myth. Choose a myth that has a particular meaning for you. This will be the topic of your paper. Step 2 Use the course materials and do some further research on your myth; begin exploring the ways in which your myth is represented in contemporary society. Try to draw at least one important parallel between your ancient Greek myth and its more modern incarnation(s). Step 3 Define the thesis for your paper and conduct further research as necessary. In total you will have to use a minimum of one ancient source and three scholarly academic resources to support your thesis. For the purposes of this assignment, academic sources include online journal articles as well as resources you can check out of the library. This step is critical to your success. It is very important to understand what constitutes an ancient source (see appendix to Chapter 1 – Sources for Classical Mythology – for further details).

Chosen myth: The Trojan horse

word count: 900-1000 words (Formatted in Chicago)

Literature Homework Help