Management homework help

Management homework help. Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment 3 Information
Subject Code: MBA502
Subject Name: Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity
Assessment Title: Individual Reflections
Assessment Type:
Two Individual In-Class Activities
Reflection One (Week 6)
Reflection Two (Week 12)
Word Count:
2,000 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: Reflection One (15%)
Reflection Two (25%)
Total Marks: 40
Reflection One (Submitted via Moodle)
Reflection Two (Submitted via Turnitin)
Due Date:
Reflection One (In-Class Activity)
Reflection Two (In-Class Activity) and Submission on Monday, Week 13
at 11.55pm)
Your Task
To create TWO (2) individual reflections that apply the Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and
Diversity theories and concepts that have been covered in the subject. Both reflections will be
conducted as in-class activities.
Assessment Description
An important part of undertaking postgraduate study, is that you actively reflect on what you’ve been
learning and how you could apply it to assist your own professional development and/or future career.
Reflection One will be conducted in Week 6, and will be based on the Industry Guest Speaker (the link
between theory and practice) and be submitted in-class via Moodle
Reflection Two will be conducted in Week 12 and will give you the opportunity to reflect on a part of the
solution’ in your professional life? ? This reflection will give you the opportunity to explore the first two
tenants of Conscious Capitalism (Higher Purpose and Stakeholder Orientation) and two out of the
seven stages of UTheory (Suspending, Redirecting, Letting Go, Letting Come, Crystalising, Prototyping
and Institutionalising) .
Following the in-class work (and sign off by your Facilitator), you will submit this reflection in Week 13,
Monday at 11.55pm.
Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Instructions
Attendance at these classes is required in order to complete these reflections.
To assist you in developing your reflections, you should be writing weekly diary notes recording your
experiences (both positive and negative), on the topics and discussions.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Marking Guide (Reflection One)
Criterion Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-00%)
Identification of the
core concepts
discussed by the
(5 Marks)
No demonstrated
understanding of the core
concepts discussed by the
The student has attended the
Industry Guest Speaker
Session but has demonstrated
only limited understanding of
the core concepts discussed by
the speaker
The student has attended the
Industry Guest Speaker Session and
has demonstrated a good
understanding of the topic discussed
and how it links to the
theories/concepts in the subject.
The student has attended the
Industry Guest Speaker Session and
demonstrated a very detailed
understanding of the topic discussed
and how it links to the
theories/concepts in the subject
The student has attended the
Industry Guest Speaker Session and
has done more than just
demonstrated an understanding of
the topic discussed and how it links to
the theories/concepts in the subject
Critical analysis of
how the core
concepts link to the
theories/concepts in
the subject
(10 Marks)
No analysis of how the core
concepts link to the
theories/concepts in the
Limited analysis of how the
core concepts link to the
theories/concepts in the subject
A good level of analysis of how the
core concepts link to the
theories/concepts in the subject
A very detailed level of analysis of
how the core concepts link to the
theories/concepts in the subject
An excellent and very detailed level
of analysis of how the core concepts
link to the theories/concepts in the
Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Marking Guide (Reflection Two)
Criterion Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-00%)
Self-Analysis and
Reflective Practices
(6 Marks)
The student has not
demonstrated any selfanalysis or reflective practices
or has not discussed them with
enough substance.
The student has demonstrated
the use of some self-analysis or
reflective practices but hasn’t
conducted the analysis
required of a postgraduate
The student has demonstrated the
use of interesting self-analysis or
reflective practices but more clarity is
The student has demonstrated the
detailed use of self-analysis or
reflective practices throughout. The
writing style still needs minor
The student hasn’t just demonstrated
more than just the application of selfanalysis or reflective practices
thoroughly and in detail.
Demonstrated use
and application of
the tenants of
(8 Marks)
of globalisation and
(3 Marks)
No use or application of the
tenants of Conscious
Only limited use or application
of the tenants of Conscious
The student has demonstrated a
good understanding and application
of the tenants of Conscious
The student has demonstrated a
detailed understanding and
application of the tenants of
Conscious Capitalism
The student has demonstrated more
than just an understanding of the
issues of the tenants of Conscious
Demonstrated use
and application of at
least two of the
seven stages of
(8 Marks)
No critical analysis, use or
application of at least two of
the seven stages of UTheory
Limited critical analysis, use or
application of at least two of the
seven stages of UTheory .
They are not convincing or well
The critical analysis, use or
application of at least two of the
seven stages of UTheory some
improvement but there is a solid
attempt at linking the ideas..
The critical analysis, use or
application of at least two of the
seven stages of UTheory are of a
high standard but would be more
convincing if worded more clearly
There is no doubt, that the critical
analysis, use or application of at least
two of the seven stages of UTheory
are of an exceptionally high standard
Academic structure
and presentation
(3 Marks)
The academic structure was
poor and failed to meet the
minimum standards of
postgraduate study.
Use of References are
missing or incomplete.
Incorrect referencing style
The academic structure was
sufficient but major
improvements needed.
Some use of References but
major improvements needed
Referencing style
The academic structure was good but
could be more comprehensive
Good use of References but more
is required
Referencing style is consistent
The academic structure is of a
high standard there is scope for
some improvement.
References are well used and
Referencing style is very good but
with some errors
The academic structure is of an
exceptionally high standard
References are used to an
exceptionally high standard
Referencing style exceptionally
well incorporated

Management homework help

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