Marketing Homework Help

Marketing Homework Help. “Presenting Your Business Idea” Your business plan is now complete. Imagine you are in front of a group of investors to present your business idea and encourage them to invest in your company. Create

“Presenting Your Business Idea”

Your business plan is now complete. Imagine you are in front of a group of investors to present your business idea and encourage them to invest in your company.

Create a brief presentation for this purpose.

Select a format:

  • Power point with notes- no more than 10-12 slides
  • Audio over power point
  • Video presentation over power point
  • Story telling (video recording)

Check out the Shark Tank pitches for ideas on how to create a brief but compelling presentation of a business:

Check out Chapter 18 in the textbook (Preparing, presenting, and sending out your plan) and the sample presentation on page 343. 

Marketing Homework Help