Marketing Homework Help

Marketing Homework Help. If you have ever been to a Hooters restaurant, you may notice something about their staff. There are no men working as servers. In fact, Hooters will not ever hire a man to be a server in any of thei

If you have ever been to a Hooters restaurant, you may notice something about their staff.  There are no men working as servers. In fact, Hooters will not ever hire a man to be a server in any of their restaurants. They have been sued more than once for this hiring practice, and in some cases, had to pay out millions of dollars. Yet, Hooters continues to uphold the policy and they continue to stay in business.

According to the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal to discriminate based on sex when hiring.

In your initial post, answer the following:

1) How is it, then, that Hooters restaurants can choose to ONLY hire women who look a certain way to work as servers in their establishments?

2) Within your initial response, discuss “BFOQ”. What is it and how does it apply to this situation?

NOTE: This is not meant to be an opinion-based initial response. I want you to research this topic and post with an educated answer. You can most definitely share your opinion on this policy in your replies to your classmates. Just keep it respectful and keep it clean, please. 🙂

Marketing Homework Help