Marketing Homework Help

Marketing Homework Help. Discuss your Country of Specialty (COS): You will be using your COS often during this semester. You can use your COS analysis in this DB and in your A1. Introduce your COS using the instructions bel

Discuss your Country of Specialty (COS):

You will be using your COS often during this semester. You can use your COS analysis in this DB and in your A1. Introduce your COS using the instructions below. Your discussion should be valuable to global marketing managers (your target audience). Focus on discussing scientific information that is relevant to “all” your classmates. Your country of specialty cannot be the USA, or Taiwan. More than one student may choose the same COS, independently.

Here are the sections that you should address in your COS discussion:

1.3 Introduction and background of your COS

2.0 Global Marketing Environment Analysis (PEST analysis). Classify your points as opportunities or as threats. 

2.1 COS Politics, rules and regulations (2 points)

2.2 COS economy (2 points)

2.3 COS people, society, and culture (2 points)

2.4 COS Technology (2 points)

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 References

Additional guidelines:

Your COS cannot be USA, or Taiwan.

Discuss your COS in one DB post. 

Feedback: you need to give at least one feedback to one of your classmates. Your feedback should be given for development and improvement. Your feedback should address a weakness in your classmate post. Your feedback should fit in one quarter of a page. It must have a reference. Same thing in the COE discussion.

Your DB should be your own write up using your own wording. No copying or pasting from the Internet. You may use ideas from the Internet.

Your information must be accurate.

Your discussion should be APA formatted. Exception: your pages should be single spaced.

Use 1-3 scholar references for your COS. Your references should be APA formatted.

Do not use more than 5 scholarly references in your COS discussion (maximum).

Font and margins: Times New Roman font, size 12 with margins of one inch all around.

Page limit: your COS main discussion should not exceed 1 page. Please do not exceed 2 pages including your references. Your discussion should be single space. (Try your best NOT to exceed this page limit to give chance to your classmates to read your discussion).

Feedbacks by the instructor during the duration of the discussion are part of the guidelines of the assignment. Please follow the instructor feedbacks and your classmates’ discussions closely. You should use those to develop your own discussion.  

Marketing Homework Help