Philosophy Homework Help

Philosophy Homework Help. I have attached 5 files pick the one that interested you and follow the direction below. I. 3 QUOTES Pull out 3 quotes from the above sources that you found especially interesting or that you want t

I have attached 5 files pick the one that interested you and follow the direction below. 


  • Pull out 3 quotes from the above sources that you found especially interesting or that you want to reflect on in this assignment.
  • Be sure to indicate which source each quote is from and provide either a minute-mark for video quotes or page number(s) for readings.II. REFLECTIONS

WRITE at least 500-750 words (There is a word counter in the bottom right corner of the text box.)

  • What are some of your thoughts related to the quotes you presented above? It’s fine to focus on one or two of the quotes. 
  • Especially for those of you going into the medical field, I encourage you to reflect on the MEDICAL MODEL of disability. Do you see any advantages to that model? What ethical concerns do you have of working with patients primarily from that model? 

Philosophy Homework Help