Psychology Homework Help

Psychology Homework Help. Question 1 What first captures your attention? Question 2 What objects do you notice? Colors? Shapes? Movements? Sounds? Question 3 What was unexpected?

Question 1 

 What first captures your attention?

Question 2 

 What objects do you notice? Colors? Shapes? Movements? Sounds?

Question 3 

What was unexpected? Unfamiliar? Odd?

Question 4 

 Among your answers, what will you remember several days from now?

Question 5 

What part (or portion) did you prefer? About which part can you say, “I’m glad it was there”?

Question 6 

 What part do you least prefer?  About which part can you say, “I could do without that”?

Question 7 

 What words or phrases stand out in the script?

Question 8 

If this were a dance, describe the style, dancers, staging, costumes.

Question 9 

 If this were a sculpture which summarizes the whole movie, describe it.

Question 10 

What are the main emotions in this story? What poetic phrases would capture the overall theme.

Question 11 

 What parts of the story are believable? What parts are unbelievable?

Question 12 

 Give a title to the film other than its actual title.

Question 13 

Have you known stories similar to this going on in people’s lives?

Question 14 

 Did this experience relate to anything in your life?

Question 15 

If there is a ‘message’ in this work of art, how would you reply?

Psychology Homework Help