Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. How do you know where to place the angles on the Map view and cross section?

[email protected]%- QQEIE? Insert Draw Layout Review View Table CalibriRegularii 12 B I U A, O A 2: l3 ‘ Cross-section of Dipping Beds 0n the following page, draw the cross-section for the following beds based on the given strikeand dip symbols for each. Do your best to estimate the angle‘ Angles of 15, 45, 90 ° is shown inFigure 5.3(bi‘ To make lines on the figures, go to the Insert tab, chose Shapes, and click on Line(second picture}. Alternatively, copy and paste the line below and modify it to the correct anglein the boxes. Hint: Look at Figure 5.3b for help on how to solve these questions. _———— Map ViewMap View Cross SectionCross Section Map View CrossSectionl N‘2 ‘2Cross Section Map ViewLO0’0D I

Science Homework Help