Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help. Final Group Paper for HSC 450
Prof. Michael Stanton’s Class
For your final project for this class, you have been assigned to a team, which you have been working with in class, and each team has been assigned a topic.
You are working for a non-profit in Oakland and they are looking for ideas for their next health communication campaign. As a team, your assignment is to analyze and critique a health communication campaign on the specific topic you’ve been assigned, and to produce a written report for this non-profit considering implementing this type of campaign in Oakland.
Your goal is to c you chose for implementing in Oakland, explain the pros and the cons within the categories below, and then make recommendations for the non-profit.
At minimum, your report must cover the following: health communication theory, practice strategies, audience dynamics, media channels, planning and implementation, and evaluation (if an evaluation was done).  You should use chapters 4-8 of the Parvanta & Bass textbook as a guide to help you think through your analysis and critique.
Your report should be written in office memo format (with “to,” “from,” “re,” etc.) and should be times new roman font, 12 point, single-spaced.  You should use APA 7th ed citation format for your references (and you should use it correctly: incorrect citation formatting will reduce your grade). You should have an introduction, subheadings for each of the main items (theory, strategy, audience dynamics, media channels, planning and implementation, evaluation), and a conclusion. 1,500 to 3,000 words before citations. Upload as doc or docx file to Blackboard. At least 5 peer-reviewed citations.
Your report will be due no later than 6:00pm on Friday, December 4.  This is a hybrid class, so you will have time outside of class to meet with your team and work on this project. I strongly encourage you to use this time to share your progress with me and get feedback as you go through the process.  If you continue to make progress each time we meet, I can help guide you to produce a better end product that will get you a better grade.  If you wait until the last minute and turn something in that we have not discussed at all, you are less likely to get a good grade.
Your grade for this project will be based on
1) the quality of the substantive content of the analysis and critique, (37.5%)
2) the overall organization, flow, and structure of the report (incl. citations), (37.5%) and
3) the results of peer-evaluation surveys that will be distributed once at the rough draft and then once after the report is submitted (25%).
In addition to applying the ideas from chapter 4-8 of the text, here are some questions to keep in the back of your mind as you research your topic and analyze the campaign you have selected. These questions are designed to help guide the writers, NOT to be answered in order. Assignments that simple write out answers to these and turn that in will not receive a strong grade.
Health Communication Theory
From the point of view of health communication theory, what did the campaign do successfully?  What did it struggle with?  Which theory or theories do you think the people who designed the campaign had in mind as they developed it?  As a team, do you think you would have done anything differently? Why or why not?
Practice Strategies
What practice strategies did the campaign implement, and were these strategies successful?  What were the biggest benefits to their particular strategies, if any?  Were there any drawbacks to selecting this approach compared to other potential strategies?  What other strategies might have been successful?  Do you think a different strategy would have been more suited?
Audience Dynamics
Describe the campaign’s target audience.  Why did the campaign focus on that audience?  Was it the most appropriate audience for the message?  How do you think they approached audience segmentation, and what do you think their thought process was?
 Media Channels
What different media channels were selected for this campaign?  Are some channels emphasized over others, and does the content differ between them?  How so? Why do you think these decisions were made?  Do you think there was anything they could/should have done differently in this regard?
 Planning and Implementation
What kind of formative research do you think the people who designed the campaign did?  What kind of planning model do you think they used? Do you think the choices they made were correct?  Would you as a team have done anything differently?  What choices would you have made?
Evaluation (if applicable)
If an evaluation was done on the campaign you’re analyzing/critiquing, what kind of a logic model did they use?  What kind of strategy analysis?  What methodology did they employ to conduct the evaluation?  Do you see any flaws or biases in any of this?  Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions they draw? Why?
In this section, summarize briefly what you have reviewed and your assessment of the campaign. Next, explain your recommendations based on your assessment.
Topic: Breast Cancer
The Campaign we choose :
3 Peer review reference:

  1. Merino Bonilla JA, Torres Tabanera M, Ros Mendoza LH. Breast cancer in the 21st century: from early detection to new therapies. Radiologia. 2017 Sep-Oct;59(5):368-379. English, Spanish. doi: 10.1016/j.rx.2017.06.003. Epub 2017 Jul 14. PMID: 28712528.


  1. Ahern, Thomas P, Sprague, Brian L, Bissell, Michael C.S, Miglioretti, Diana L, Buist, Diana S.M, Braithwaite, Dejana, and Kerlikowske, Karla. “Family History of Breast Cancer, Breast Density, and Breast Cancer Risk in a U.S. Breast Cancer Screening Population.” Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention6 (2017): 938-44. Web.
  2. McKenzie, Fiona, Zietsman, Annelle, Galukande, Moses, Anele, Angelica, Adisa, Charles, Parham, Groesbeck, Pinder, Leeya, Cubasch, Herbert, Joffe, Maureen, Kidaaga, Frederick, Lukande, Robert, Offiah, Awa U, Egejuru, Ralph O, Shibemba, Aaron, Schuz, Joachim, Anderson, Benjamin O, Dos Santos Silva, Isabel, and McCormack, Valerie. “Drivers of Advanced Stage at Breast Cancer Diagnosis in the Multicountry African Breast Cancer – Disparities in Outcomes (ABC-DO) Study.” International Journal of Cancer8 (2018): 1568-579. Web.


Social Science homework help