Marketing homework help

Marketing homework help. Peer assessment
Now that you have a little more experience with this research, I’ll give you more freedom to look up some indicators that you find interesting. In particular, I want you to find four socio-cultural and four technological indicators for the same countries you were assigned last week. You will then write 5-8 paragraphs in total describing and synthesizing the information. See the assignment details for more information (attached below this post).
This assignment will progress over three weeks (Module 2-4) of the class. Each week you will add to the knowledge you’re finding.
Please cite all your sources. Use either MLA, APA, or Chicago style.
Suggested data sources

  • The CPP library has pulled together a nice set of guides for research. I would recommend scrolling to the “other recommended resources”
    • CIA world factbook – gives basic information about each country
    • CountryWatch – country profiles give a detailed understanding about key factors such as political trends, and recent news
    • GlobalEDGE – A research tool that allows you to compare across a variety of indicators
  • The World Bank has a downloadable database of indicators – more detail than most other sources.
  • There are many other reputable data sources out there – go ahead and explore!

Socio-cultural and technological factors
Socio-cultural factors

  • Choose four social indicators. Now that you have a little more experience with the research, go ahead and find ones that interest you. Make sure at least two are quantitative and can be plotted in a graph (similar to the economic work last week).
  • Describe the data you identified, and complete a short 2-3 paragraph write-up on the socio-cultural factors of the countries.
    • Tie these back to business – what does this make you think about starting a business in these countries?

Technological factors

  • Choose four tech indicators. Research them for each of your four countries.
  • Describe the data you identified, and complete a short 2-3 paragraph write-up on the technological factors of the countries.
    • Tie these back to business – what does this make you think about starting a business in these countries?

Bringing it together

  • Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you found.
    • How do the countries compare?
    • Is there anything you found that surprised you?
    • Did the reasons you could find in the recent news seem to support the indicator values you found? Do you agree as to the risk level for the countries?
    • What other questions do you have about these countries, now that you have completed some initial research?


Marketing homework help

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